
This blog is my effort to document and share how I use technology to study, rehearse, and perform (mostly) classical vocal music.

I’m a Silicon Valley techie by day and a singer by night (and on weekends).  This blog is one place where I get to be both at the same time.

If you’d like to contact me directly, you can reach me at tech4singers (at) gmail dot com.

  1. John says:

    Love the blog! Any suggestions on a great choral library option for storing digital copies of music?

    • Tech4Singers says:

      Thanks! I don’t know of anything that exactly meets your needs, but here are some ideas. I have organized my own music library using Dropbox with a folder for each composer, and am also using forScore’s keyword feature to categorize pieces by style, genre, language, publisher, voicing/instrumentation, opus number, etc. Here is a post from another blog with ideas about organizing a digital music library. I also think OpenMeta tagging tools like the ones listed here have potential as a system for organizing a digital music library, but I haven’t yet tested this theory. If all else fails, you could check out existing tools for organizing choral libraries and see if any could be adapted to digital scores in addition to physical ones. Good luck!

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